Well let's get one thing in the open: I love Mushi-shi. If you don't know about it, it's a manga and anime about a boticary that goes around healing people about from illnesses caused by mushis (basically nature spirits). However, what it really is about is chronic illnesses, both mental and physical.
The mushi invade your body, and suddenly your life changes. You become unable to tolarate any amount of light, your memory disappears at dawn, you don't sleep yet you don't tire. You don't know what's going on, or why this has happened to you, if you can fix it, or even if you want to. and Ginko says "it is what it is. Nature didn't do it out of malice, it's simply existing. Sometimes healing is just learning to live anyway.".
This philosophy is everything for me. Not resignant because there's always a way to make it if just a little better, but accepting. This series is slow and quiet and full of dread and hope, and I fucking love it.