Sometrasno's art

Douglas, Badar and Hellen!

if you recognise these designs no you don't, they're not GO anymore yoink! MINE!!

A digital drawing of two OCs, Douglas and Badar. They're both middle aged men. Douglas is a bald, western asian man of average build wearing an antiquated black suit with a white satin bow. He rests his hands on a wooden cane with a metal head in the shape of a bird. A better view of the cane sits to his right, where he would put it while walking, as an arrow and text indicates that his weak leg is his left one, and he got it due to a sport injury. Other arrows say that he likes history-bounding, that he got his hazel cane as a lucky antiquary find (and that it has an unseen rubber pad on the bottom), and that, despite trying to be kind, he is a mean maruja at heart. Badar is a fat black man, with his very long hair made up in a twists bun. He wears glasses (from which the arrows tell us he has many cheap models), and fidgets with them nervously, his posture stiff. He has two black snake bites. The arrows indicate he loves wearing pastels and retro fashion, which surely enough he is wearing: A peach dress shirt with a bowtie, orange pants, and light blue shoes and suspenders. A digital drawing of a dappled grey roan (dark grey with white spots and the legs and muzzle darker) percheron mare anmed Hellen. She's a bit tubby and small for a percheron. She has her mane up in a four plait braid with a black ribbon, and her tail knotted up with a black ribbon as well. She has her head turned to the side and slighty down. The arrows indicate that she's spayed, that Douglas does her hair up but doesn't cut it, that she loves to groom people, and that she's docile but can't be swayed when she doesn't wanna do something.
ouglas, Badar and Hellen all together. Hellen is behind Douglas, and curls her head amicably towards him. Badar is a bit to the side, awkward and stiff, fidgeting with his glasses. It looks as if they're taking a photo.

Douglas is Hellen's carer and owner, he's a carriage driver for tourists and events! He often parks in front of Badar's office building, which caused them to get into spats due to parking space.... but after they kept cutting each other off while trying to get to the same antiquary event, they started bonding and dating! Badar is still not sure how to interact with a horse, and thinks Hellen wants to bite him when she moves to groom him (plus, ew horse breath and spit!).

I'm moving along quite well to have all my OCs ready (if messily) for Art Fight! I have to finish some work related things, but hopefully I'll have time in between to do The Twinks next, Lucus and Caleb (I'm aware that means nothing to most.... sorry).