Sometrasno's art


WARNING: Monsters, genitals, unconventional genitals and eggs

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A bunch of sexy monsters drawn in pink. In order: A trasno (a small humanoid with a tail and a hole in its hand) hugging a bottle. An outer-sensorial being morphed into a person. It lies down on its back, legs spread, leaking out of its shell in black matter. A bull taur, rearing with a startled expression. A floating human dick, erect. A naga/siren, looking intensely at the view with its enormous tonge out, dick erect and leaking eggs. A wooden being wearing a mask and growing mushrooms, crouching menancingly towards the viewer. A mind flayer holding an orb. A flame being with three eyes implishly laughing. A humanoid with its face covered and a tail, one arm stretched. A succubus, its mouth is like a face hugger, it has four eyes, it has bat wings on its hips and a little tail. It's on all fours, smiling happily. A disembodied pussy and ass. A headless pumpkin head with its head in its hands. Its neck is a candle and is wearing cross pasties. It also has a tail. A recently transformed vampire, neck wound still bleeding, looking flushed and lost into the distance, its hand in a book as if it forgot to turn the page mid action.

Wow! It had been a while since I last drew porn (or well, naked people which is what I actually like drawing), I'm happy I made the time for it! I also normally don't post sketches but why the fuck not. It's not bad, just not polished, and like that I get to share more of my personal stuff- all positives!

Welp, enjoy!