Sometrasno's art


Just a little guy and friends!

A badge of Froggie's face, a green frog cartoon character with orange cheeks, smiling with his eyes closed. The badge reads 'Hoy he sido muy valiente' around its circumference, with sparks intersecting the words. A emote sticker of Froggie face down on the ground with a dark aura all around him. 'Se intentó' floats on top of him. We can now see he's wearing orange rain booties and that he still has a tadpole tail. Froggie shyly but excitedly holding out a heart to the viewer. He has a yellow tummy. Froggie sitting down on the ground, legs forward. Groovy, a yellow/orange larval salamander cartoon character (which look basically like an axolotl) swimming on air. The have darker dots on top of their eyes and a white tummy and cheeks. The tip of their gills are also darker. They're wearing oversized white slippers. Groovy running with their arms on their side like an airplane. Groovy rollerblading with overear headphones. Groovy with an orange blanket on their shoulders, mug on hand, eyes still closed, but content.

I made these a while ago for that con I've been mentioning, but also as chat stickers to use with my friends :] Froggie is a character I draw lot when I don't know what to draw. He actually has a story, and I've been trying to work it out, but making comics is not something I'm very good at, so it's been frustrating.... Still, he's very cute, so his stickers are actually quite liked!

I don't know, I hope eventually I can get people to like him and his friends as much as I do.