As it says on the tin, this page contains a preview of my latest project in progress, along with some of my thoughts on it.

s digital sketch of two older guys and a horse. One of the guys is a bald estearn asian man wearing an antiquated black suit with a white shirt and a white satin bow. He's also carrying a hazelwood cane with a silver bird head as the handle. He's posed with his hands resting on the cane, smiling gently at the viewer. He's the only one that's in full color, everyone else is still a sketch. Behind him is the horse, a small tubby percheron (chonky short necked horse with fluffy legs) turning her head to smell him. Next to the horse, a black guy, maybe a bit younger than the other dude, stands stiffly and awkardly, a hand half raised to his head. He wears his long hair in a twisted dreads bun. He has a fluffy beard and snake bites. He wears glasses.

They used to be related to Good Omens but no longer! My guys now!

I haven't decided on a name for them just yet, but I have somewhat part of their story. They both work for a monarchy in the modern day. Awkward guy is a paperpusher and the fancy man is a carriage driver! The horse is his. They both fight over parking space and bond over their love for antiques.