
Jk he's just very comfy!
A photo of a white cat with cream colored ears. He's wearing a collar, completely hidden by his fur, from which a golden tag hangs. He's laying down between crisscrossed legs, in front of a turned off computer. His eyes are partially closed, relax to the point of look like he's melting

I really like when he "smiles" like that! He looks very smug! Unfortunately he hardly achieves Optimal Comfy Smile Conditions, due to problems of his own making. He has an incredibly hard time just stitting down and relaxing- for example, since I started writting this, he has attempted to lie down next to me 3 times, on top of me 6 times, under the table twice, and has finally settled for on top of the WiFi after 2 attempts.... He doesn't even accept play when he's like this, and cuddles are a no-no because he's already frustrated! I wish I could make it easier for him somehow, but I haven't found the way.